hanoverwarriorsorderform.pdf |
All coaches are planning a Wednesday-Thursday-Friday practice with Thursday's location TBD.
Orders for Hanover Warrior Gear by Richard Totten (form attached) need to be collected by THURSDAY (even though the form says a different day):
Coaches Shirts
Head coach will get his free, but each assistant must purchase their own shirt for $8.00 (S-XL) and $10.00 (2XL)
Coaches shirt sizes have already been collected and we will place the order Thursday
Coaches Visors & Hats
Both will be royal blue with white block lettering "WARRIORS"
Visors = $8.00
Hats* = $10.00
*hats will be a standard flex-fit style hat
Please take the orders of the coaches for hats & visors (by Thursday) so we can get the order placed. We will collect money from them when they come in.
Player Shirts
Sport Grey t-shirt with Hanover Warriors and Logo on the front only.
$5.00 (Youth - Adult XL) and $7.00 (Adult 2XL & 3XL)
12th Man Shirts (for Family and Fans)
White shirt with Hanover Warriors and Logo on the front, and Twelfth Man and #12 on the back.
$10.00 (Youth - Adult XL) and $12.00 (Adult 2XL & 3XL)
We already have 50 of these shirts on hand in various sizes and if we need more we will place another order
"H" Decals
We have decals (same as go on the helmets that can be used as car window decals - not on the paint)
$4.00 for a sheet of 2
I am attaching an order form that you can send out to your parents so that they can start placing orders. Please be advised that we need the orders very quickly in order to get the merchandise ordered and delivered. We are using a local business, The Golden Squeegee, it is the business of the father of two of our Warriors and he will do everything he can to get the orders to us as soon as possible.
Place all orders by Thursday - March 20, 2014 (payment must accompany the orders)
Richard Totten
Hanover Warriors